Grants Page
UTSC Conference Grants
The committee reviews grant applications four times a year after the deadlines below. Members are eligible for one book grant per school year (Fall-Summer).
Cycle 1 (Fall): Friday, October 4th by 3pm
Cycle 2 (Winter): Monday, January 6th by 3pm
Cycle 3 (Spring): Friday, March 14th by 3pm
Cycle 4 (Summer): Friday, June 6th by 3pm
Important: Grant applications received after the above meeting dates will not be considered until the following cycle.
UTSC Book Grants
Members may apply one time per year for grants of up to $100 for members to purchase professional texts of their choice or books on social justice-related topics to use with students in their classrooms.
UTSC Professional Membership Grants (New!)
Current members may apply one time per year for grants of up to $100 to support memberships for professional organizations related to teaching and learning.
CTA Conference Grants
CTA offers a variety of grants to our CTA/UTSC members. Grants typically cover conference registration and transportation. The following grants may be of particular interest to our members:
New Member Grants will be awarded to applicants who are within their first 5 years of CTA membership.
Minority Incentive Grants – Minority members are defined as belonging to one of the following racial-ethnic groups: African American; American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hispanic; Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander or Multi-ethnic. These grants are offered to encourage minority leadership within the Association.
Special Under-Represented Groups (White Male, and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender) Grants will be offered for Equity and Human Rights Conference participants.